blank page

Note: This post is not to be confused with T-Swizzles super fly song "Blank Space" just clearing that up for you. ;) 

Hello there. Its 2015. Someone please tell me where my life has gone.

There is something so refreshing and hopeful about the beginning of a new year. 365 days of whatever you want it to be. 365 blank pages waiting to be filled by YOU.

Of course you can just do what I usually do and fill it with lots of chocolate and netflix and your favorite loved one (your bed). Or you could be cool and do really rad stuff. I think this year I'm going to do MORE rad stuff. Live a little more.

I set a few new year commitments....

>> Put health first. I already eat really healthy, and I'm pretty active, but I want to be more consistent with the way I eat and my fitness. Exercise more consistently, get better at yoga, learn to box, stay paleo/gaps. I love the way I feel when I exercise and I eat real food, I have so much more energy and I feel SO much better (obviously bc I'm not eating what I'm allergic to, duh). 2015 I'm going to put my health first and make it a top priority.

>> Spend more time LIVING. Wake up earlier, spend more time with family, less time on electronics, more time outside, create more beauty, love more, give more compliments, smiles, live IN THE MOMENT. Its honestly so refreshing to just clear your head, not think about the future (I'm a big dreamer so my mind is always somewhere else), the past, just honestly LIVE in the moment.

>> Try to not be late for things. Be more on top of things. Time management. Money management. Be more organized.

>> Finish high school STRONG. Really own my education and make this last semester of my high school life the best.ever.

>> Become more of a DOER rather than a DREAMER. Dreaming is good, but its no use if you just dream and don't actually do anything.

I really want to make 2015 REALLY really great. I am determined too.

On top of all that, I am going to use THIS blog more. Yesss that's right. I did say I am going to use this blog more, post more, ya know the stuffs.

Just a few things that I plan on posting.....

- Updates on my new year commitments. I feel like posting about it really motivates me, weird I know. You probably care not a stitch but that's what I'm going to do, post updates about what I'm doing with my new year/2015 commitments.

- Recipes/Healthy tips, etc. (Yay!) Paleo/GAPS/Vegan/Vegetarian, REAL, healthy, yummy food. I need to cook more, I find it really helps me be more mindful of what I'm eating, and its rewarding to cook your own food, plus I actually enjoy it (a little bit).

- Fashion/Outfits/Beauty stuff,  I probably won't do this a lot, but its something I LOVE to do, flip through my closet and mix and match my clothes, find the perfect eyeliner, make a DIY face mask, so I want to share that sometimes.

- Sewing/DIY, I have a book full of ideas for refashioning clothes, ideas for sewing projects, DIY projects (beauty, gifts, decor, etc.), I should put them to good use. I also do a LOT of DIY's and so I want to share this sometimes.

- Photos! I. Need. To. Learn. HOW. To. Use. My. Camera. I am going to make it a goal to pick my camera up everyday, and at the end of the week I'll post my favorite photos from the week or something like that.

- Life stuff. Hikes, trips, travel/road-trip stuff, my life advice/tips, know, things.

I really just want to use this blog to post the little things, the big things, the things I love. I also find writing/blogging to be really nice, to focus on the good things in life, and writing in general is just a really nice feeling.

If you have any thoughts and things YOU'D like to see (not that you will or should but ya know, IF you do ;)) please let me know in the comments. I actually really love getting comments from those who read this insignificant blog, y'all are such beautiful humans and I feel very glad that you care enough to read this blog.

Cheers to the new year! I'm excited to fill all these blank pages with meaningful moments. Happy new year! ;)

Love, Wesleigh


  1. um. so stoked for this, darling. i love you. MISS you. so so much. will stalk you forever. you know das right. xoxo

  2. just for a second, let's pretend this is new years right now because i'm feeling that vibe. i waste so much time. i'm always late for everything, and i long for an adventurous life rather than living one. Perfect. because today is a new year and that's okay, right? you make me so excited about everything in the best way.
