conquering perfectionism

Do you ever feel like the first steps in life, whatever they may be for, are really hard and stressful because you just want to make them really beautiful and memorable? Because same.
(Also I just want you to know how hard it was for me to remember the world "memorable" cliche I know.)

I'm SO excited for this blog. I mean, its just like every other blog I've wasted hours on, pouring my deepest thoughts and passions into. Yet it is different. I googled my life away figuring out how to create a blog that was beautiful (at least it was to me) and every little step I completed, I was jumping in my twirly chair yelling at my family, "HEY COME LOOK WHAT I MADE ISN'T IT SO COOL" because I'd done something, no matter how small, that was new and something that I'd longed to be able to do for so long. So yeah, I guess you could say I felt/feel a lot of pressure to create some really freaking awesome content. 

Have you ever heard of perfectionism? (of course you have) It doesn't mean "everything is perfect" it means "I will die if everything is not perfect so I'm just not going to do it because it'll never be perfect or I'll do it and it won't be perfect because that's impossible so I'll just feel really lame" I guess I'm somewhat of a perfectionist (haaah) which is why I put off doing something on this really neat blog of mine. 

BUT HERE I AM. Typing frantically on my keyboard, conquering perfectionism.

(sorry but I had to.

I always feel like the best way to conquer this perfectionism of mine is to be really basic af.  

So hi. My name is Wesleigh. Wes-Lee. My favorite color is the ocean. My biggest aspiration in life is to make a difference in the world. I fall in love every place that I've ever been to. My one true love is Africa. Adventure is my thing. One day I want to have a little farm near the ocean with a sassy llama, equally sassy cows, a mini pig named Hibiscus, a sloth, 6 dogs, 2 grumpy cats, and, you get the idea. I want to have a huge family, adopt a billion kids, and we'll travel all over the world together. I like girly things like makeup and fashion bc I'm a girl. I also like a whole lot of non-girly things too. I'm granola by heart. And that's a little bit about me in 126 words. 

So there you go. Please excuse all "purposeful" grammar and punctuation mistakes and WELCOME TO MY BLOG. It's going to be a wild ride. :) 

Love, Wesleigh. 

P.S. If you love me leave a comment ;) I love to hear from y'all. 


  1. Hey Wes, I love you, so here's a comment. ^_^
    Basically I'm super proud of you, and of this. I hope you keep this up and never let this desire go to be vulnerable and let perfectionism slide. May the Holy Spirit be with you always, and may peace and love abide continually in your heart.

  2. I LOVE YOU AND THIS AND YOU AND THIS AND YOU AND YOU AND YOU SO MUCH. This blog is so perfect in its beautifully non-perfect way. (Because that made so much sense because it so didn't.) And I am an avid follower of your blogs because you put so much effort and passion into everything and gah I am in loooove. It's an affair I think. ;) SORRY OTHER BLOGS. And perfectionism..... gaaaah my life. I know I know I know we have talked about this and yes yes yes. You are an inspiration. Keep embracing the imperfect you because it is gorgeous and beautiful and everything. Like... idk... we're all flawed and that makes us beautiful because if we were all perfect we'd all be assembly-machine made and like... that's dumb. OKAY I'M GOING TO STOP TYPING NOW BECAUSE I MAKE NO SENSE. <33333 xoxo

    1. OH MY WORD I JUST LOVE YOU SO MUCH. Actually that all made sense. Feel free to continue that affair with my blogs ;) hah. AHHH THANKS. I JUST LIKE YOU A LOT. Everything you say is so beauritful <3333 xoxo

  3. Wesleigh, you are the whipped cream on the pumpkin pie of life. Because whipped cream is magical and the only reason people eat pumpkin pie. And by people I mostly mean me. (I'm pretending that I make sense sometimes :D.) You are just so fabulous I can hardly stand it. I think your imperfectness is perfect. Nothing is as beautiful as something made from something like natural wood. It's not uniform, or perfect, and it contains flaws. But that is what makes it so lovely. I hope you never give into perfectionism and keep being insanely wonderful and beautiful person that you are. I love you so much that my heart might just burst and float into the sky. Your blogs will forever be stalked by moi. Keep being the fabulous person you are! <3 <3 <3
