January + February Tidbits

Hiii there. I'm starting a new section on my blog, Monthly Tidbits. A little way to focus on the good, and happy tidbits from this neat life I get to live.

I started this in the middle of January but maaad dropped the ball. So here are all the little rad tidbits from both January AND February. I'll probably do these in 2-4 parts just because there is so much that goes on I'm getting old.

J A N U A R Y 

>> Morning hikes. Honestly the most energizing thing you could do in a January. Plus the weather was so so nice (unseasonably nice) and you bet I took advantage of it. I was lucky enough to go on a couple refreshing early morning hikes and man it was so nice.

>> Obviously January is the month of "eat healthier. be healthier" and because I'm nothing short of basic so you can bet I did just that. I smashed through Kayla Itsines BBG and totally caught the "obsessed with my muscles" thing. On top of all the bruises and checking my abs (which are now nonexistent) in the mirror, I tried and experimented with so many healthy, AND delicious foods. 100% a believer that healthy does not have to taste gross.

>> One of my goals for the year was to become a morning person, and slowly, very slowly, I'm becoming a morning person. I'm actually learning to love mornings. There is something so refreshing about waking up earlier and getting a fresh start on the day. 1. You have more time in the day (YAY) and 2. It really just makes me feel so much happier and overall better.

>> January was legit the time to "get up and go" Excuses aside, limitations aside, I got up off the couch and did rad stuff. Instead of dipping my toe into life to test out the waters I jumped in with both feet and it was a wild ride.

>> Slacklining. I definitely caught the bug again. I even tried doing some yoga, and obviously that went down really well, and by down I mean actual down, meaning I mostly just fell. Slackining is not only tons of fun but is a great way to improve your balance and your core. Plus its just rad.

Overall January was pretty steller, and REALLY I am missing so many great things that went down but that's all I got homies. 

F E B R U A R Y 

>> Math. Sorry but I just really love math. It's something I've always had a love hate relationship with, but the more consistent I am the more I love it, seriously just a little consistency goes a loooong long way when it comes to math. My favorite part of the day is actually cozying up on the couch with my math book. It's so peaceful and call me lame but man I love it. 

>> Learning how to use my camera. I used to only shoot in auto because I had noooo idea how to use manual and in fact, it stressed the crap out of me. I found some great articles around the web about how to shoot in manual and man oh man shooting in manual really does make all the difference. I'm getting a lot more comfortable with the settings and am getting some photos that I'm actually happy with, rather than being stressed from not getting the photos I wanted. I'm excited to learn more and improve my 100% amateur skills. 

(okay okay I know what's so great about this photo other than 1. I love it 2. I made it out of focus 3. I shot it in all manual and 4. there is NO motion blur so hallelujah)

>> Spring is IN the air. I can feel it, smell it, see it, and it just makes me feel ALL the feels (spring is my favorite season fyi). When spring is on its way, my little cacti bloom and get the prettiest little flowers! It's the absolute best because a) I don't have to water them like ever. b) they still always look pretty. It's a win-win situation. But also can we just acknowledge that with spring comes spiders and bugs and I'm now living in a constant state of paranoia. 

>> Spent some time exploring the outdoors with the fam. Hiked a new-ish trail, played on some giant boulders up the canyon with my little brother, and did some exploring in my very own local canyon with my siblings. Although I didn't hike as much as I wish I had, I still got in some quality mountain time which was great. 

>> Spent V-day with the illustrious Kimberly. We did a little photoshoot which you can see over HERE if you want. 

>> Ended February with a super chill weekend up at my families lake house. I got there late and obviously I went straight to take a bath in the giant tub, because what else would I do. The rest of the night and the next morning were really laid back and relaxing (at least for me), we then cleaned the house, and went to the beeeeach. we snapped some photos and then we spinned donuts on the beach because, because what else would we do? Anyways, I'm just such a fan of really chilled moments. 

>> Life plans. Slowing but surely the rest of my life is starting to piece together. Nothing is really final YET but it's getting there. I'm sure if you've logged onto FB you've seen the obscene amount of "I got into (blank) college!" posts, and although I'm not applying to any schools until next spring, it just opened my eyes to a whole lot of possibilities and got me stoked for the rest of my life. I've also been looking into some schools that I thought I'd never apply to but heck I'm just jumping into life with both feet. 

>> While weighing the pros and cons of different career choices I've remembered how much I absolutely love the water, the ocean, its environment, all of it, I love it. On top of that I've discovered this neat Instagram (@sea_legacy) and it's been oh so inspiring. Check it out or else. 

And that's it folks!  Thanks for reading! Leave a comment and tell me about something rad YOU did! 

and.....HAPPY MARCH! I hope its the best of the best. 

Love, Wesleigh

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